Tuesday, August 10, 2010

So I Finally Caved...

My younger sister Jenna has been trying to get me to read the Twilight Saga for YEARS. She was one of those twieens that basically stalked the net for any information that was available when Twilight was in production. I went with her to see it in theaters without having read even 1 sentence of the book, and to my surprise I really enjoyed the movie. After I saw it she started pestering me to read the books again, which I ended up being able to dodge. I went with her on opening night to see New Moon, and again when Eclipse came out.

I have to admit that I love this saga.
Go Team Edward!!!

Then a couple of days ago, I read online that Breaking Dawn will be made into 2 parts, and that the first part wont be in theaters until November of 2011 with part two being released November 2012. This was very disappointing. I have been putting off reading this saga because I heard so much criticism from the fans of the books towards the movies. I prefer to watch the movies and enjoy them for what they are... a 2 hour entertaining escape from reality; where I am pulled into a different world where anything can happen. I didn't want to judge the movies and compare them to the book on every little detail, and I liked the idea of the finding out what happens by watching the lovely Robert Pattinson.

Then the moment I saw that I will have to wait a year to see what happens next, and Eclipse just ending at Edward asking Bella to marry him so he can change her. I knew that I would have to start reading the books. (I am WAY to impatient to wait a year when left on such a cliffhanger.) So I started and finished Twilight a couple of days ago and I am going to say it... the book was amazing. Granted it basically took me half of the book before I really got into it, but once I did there was no putting it down. To me it was well written and the love story it told was so amazing.

I started reading New Moon yesterday. I was more excited to read this book then I was Twilight because I loved the movie so much more... I have gone through a major heartbreak, and from watching the movie I understood the deep depression that Bella was in. I was completely captivated after just reading the first page, and I was in tears before I even got 50 pages in. I can not wait to read more of it. Obviously the books are different from the movies; they go into a lot more details and have things that were left out of the movies, but all in all I love them both. I have officially caved in! If anyone is looking for me you can find me with my nose buried in the books!

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